Maundy Thursday 4/17 6pm Service Good Friday 4/18 6pm Service Easter 8am & 11am
Maundy Thursday 4/17 6pm Service Good Friday 4/18 6pm Service Easter 8am & 11am
Signed in as:
*Formation is currently on hold until the Sunday after Labor Day.
Topics are diverse and vary from one session topic discussion to series discussions that may last several weeks in duration. Adult Sunday School offers a wonderful opportunity to enjoy fellowship with other parishioners while learning about key faith-related issues. Facilitators range from the Rector to invited guest speakers.
During Advent and Lent weekly programs are offered on Wednesday evenings. We typically gather for a shared meal followed by a program that is appropriate for the liturgical season. Visit the following link to learn more about what’s on the schedule right now:
Are you new to the Episcopal Church? Do you want to know who we are and what we do? Then an Inquirers’ Class is the class for you. It is provided to individuals who are interested in learning more about how the Episcopal Church does things and focuses on our theology, spirituality, sacraments, The Book of Common Prayer and the Episcopal approach to worship. The class is open to anyone who wants to know more about the Church and is required of adults who want to be baptized, confirmed, or received in the Episcopal Church. If you are interested in the class please contact the Rector or the Director of Christian Formation at 757-423-6715.
Bible studies and book studies are offered at various times throughout the year. These studies are a wonderful way to explore topics in depth and share some insights with others in a small group setting.
We will let you know when the next study is scheduled. The class meets at 10:00 on Mondays at Talbot Park Baptist Church and always has lively discussions.