Maundy Thursday 4/17 6pm Service Good Friday 4/18 6pm Service Easter 8am & 11am
Maundy Thursday 4/17 6pm Service Good Friday 4/18 6pm Service Easter 8am & 11am
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Ascension’s Food Pantry is open! Our regular hours are 10:00 to 11:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Food Pantry: Our Food Pantry Team shops for food to stock the Food Pantry at our local Food Bank— the money you donate goes further there than at our local supermarkets. But, just as shortages have been showing up at the supermarket, they are also showing up at the Food Bank. A couple of weeks ago, it was peanut butter, last week it was boxes of cereal. If you could help out our Food Pantry by donating boxes of cereal this week, that would be great! Although many of us think of cereal for kids, adults love it too! You could donate a box or two of your favorite cereal and help the Food Pantry this week! The donations can also be placed in the blue barrel in the Narthex.
The Mission of the Holy Spirit is a collaborative effort of a group of individuals, businesses, churches and the Diocese of Southern Virginia. Our vision is to offer spiritual, educational, and psychosocial services to at-risk, inner-city children, adolescents, and their families.
One of the most important Ascension ministries over the last quarter of a century is outreach in various forms. It continues to touch many people within the church and community. Ascension currently supports 20 organizations locally and nationally with yearly contributions.