Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Congratulations! We are pleased that you seek to enter into a Christian Marriage at the Church of the Ascension. The congregation and Rector want to do everything possible to support you in this effort. We hope that these guidelines will answer some of your questions and give you a sense of the way in which we celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony in this place.
Christ charges us to be about the world and to participate in a Christ-like life outside of the church. We recognize that world problems significantly affect our lives both in and out of the church, and that we live in a free and open society where some of our most cherished privileges are the right to free speech and to vote.
A fundraiser request form should be completed and turned into the Jr. Warden at least 30 days prior to the proposed activity.
For a cash contribution given by someone just visiting the church on Sunday and under $100, no thank you note is necessary. For cash donations over $100 or not-cash donations, send a thank you note.
The REQUEST FOR PURCHASE/PAYMENT is the standardized method to reimburse members of the parish and staff for expenses they have incurred. The Financial Secretary will generate a check when properly completed is submitted.
This Gift Acceptance Policy (“Policy”) provides guidelines concerning gifts other than current period giving to the Parish to representatives of the Parish, who may be involved in the acceptance of gifts, to outside advisors who may assist in the gift planning process, and to prospective donors who may wish to make gifts to the Parish
We understand that food allergies can be life-threatening.
In order to protect the privacy of our parishioners, the web site of the Church of the Ascension will do the following: